Making Patterns in KidPix

This lesson can be done at any time of the year. We happen to do this in December, so I added a Christmas theme to it. First I sit the students down, and we talk about what a pattern is. I create a pattern by having the students alternate standing up, sitting down, standing up, sitting down, and standing up. Then we talk about what the next student would have to do to continue the pattern. I pick a student to show us the answer by joining the pattern. We do several more examples like this, making some of them harder by creating a pattern of 3 repeating. After the students have done several examples, they head to their seats where they finish some Christmas patterns in Kidpix using the Rubber Stamp (see example below). After they complete the Christmas patterns, I challenge them to create a pattern of their own. When they are finished, we add their name to the page and print it off for them to take home.

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